As a woman working in a male-dominated industry… next joke they are ALL male-dominated! In all seriousness working in a field dominated by men can be interesting, to say the least, but slowly we are witnessing more women coming out on top. One that took me by surprise was learning how we ladies are lining up on the investing start line. So let me break down how and what this could mean.
A simple answer is why the hell not? It’s about time women are getting their hands on wealth that is theirs and only theirs, and it's impressive, to say the least. Now I would regard myself as a successful young woman, however, it has never occurred to me that investing could be possible for me. I guess that is because when you think of ‘business’, ‘property’, and even just investing itself, you often think of that being controlled by a man.
However, a growing number of women are now investing earlier than men and at a younger age. Women are starting around the age of 32, whilst men are left in the dust at around 35. What is that saying? You snooze you lose.
In the past decade, female financial literacy has increased significantly, with more women than ever opening investment accounts, engaging with financial advisors, and educating themselves about wealth creation.
The proof is in the pudding:
When you think of investing, what comes to mind? For me, it's always aggressive, high-risk decisions and dare I say it, some arrogance. Attributes that often fit men. Women are flipping that script by taking a more research-driven and strategic approach. In turn, this leads them to steadier financial growth AKA success.
One approach that is found to be more common among female investors is their choice of ESG and environmental social governance investments. Not only are they building their wealth, but they are also staying in line with their values.
As well as diverse investment interests, women are renowned for often making well-informed decisions. Which, unlike men's high-risk approach, is putting them on top. With a long-term vision in mind, women are not rushing their investment decisions but weighing out their options.
It’s not just property that women are investing in property, female investors are making waves in numerous key sectors including:
The financial world is evolving, and women are at the forefront of this transformation. With more female financial advisors, investment educators, and role models, the next generation of women investors is set to be even more confident and financially independent.
So, ladies, it is time to invest!
Written by Milly Struthers